Saturday, April 30, 2011

Our New Puppy.....Griffin

April 2011

I don't know what I was thinking....."Tucker needs a playmate"......that's what I was thinking! So we looked into getting another dog. We found a breeder of tri-color coton du tulears that lived in Roy. So I called to see when she would be getting another batch of puppies. She said she actually had some that were 8 weeks old and ready to go to homes. So we decided to go looking. Okay....bad idea! When you are looking at puppies there is no saying no! So we looked, loved them all and decided to think about it. I had taken Trent, Brandee, Gavin and Adam with me the first time. The second time we went Kary came with us. We sat in the back yard and played with the puppies trying to decide which one we would want. What a hard decision! They were all so darn cute! We picked the one that kept coming up to Gavin.....we ended up naming him Griffin. Who could pass up that face? It has been fun to have a new puppy, but a challenge as well. Griffin likes to "play" with Tucker by biting his ears and tail! Well, Tucker isn't too happy with that! So we end up having to break up some aggressive playing between the two of them. Right now Griffin likes to chew cords and that has been fun to try to alleviate as well! I guess I asked for it! No complaining now!

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