Thursday, June 2, 2011

Trent & Brandee Get Married!

June 2011

We have a wonderful new daughter in law! Trent has a friend named Jake Stokes. He has a sister, Brandee. He is 4 years older than Brandee, so Sean and Brandee are the same age. In fact they both graduated in the same year. He took a new interest in Jake's sister and started dating her. Well long story short......they are perfect for each other. He proposed and they got married on June 2nd in the Bountiful Temple. That was a wonderful day. The sealer they had in the Temple was so good. He explained everything they were promising each other and he made it memorable for them. After the wedding and pictures at the Temple we all went to Rooster's in Layton for lunch. The lunch was very tasty. We had a buffet with beef medallions, chicken cordon bleu, rosemary potatoes, salad and dessert. It was nice to relax and visit with all the family.

We went home after lunch and got the clothes that we needed for the reception. We went up to Eden for the reception. Brandee's family lives in Eden and the golf course has a great reception room. It was so pretty. You didn't even need a backdrop for photos because the colors outside were gorgeous! It was cold though....but you can't tell that by looking at the pictures! People started coming at 6:30 and never stopped! Seriously.....none of us in the line had a break of any kind! No bathroom breaks, food breaks or sanity breaks! It was amazing how many people came to support both our families. I realized that night how special it is to have the support of our family and friends.

It was a long day, but a wonderful day. It is nice to finally have a girl in the family! We all love Brandee!

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