Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Seattle comes Elder Burke!

February 16, 2011

Sean went into the MTC on the 16th of February. It had been a whirlwind of a month because my dad had just passed away at the beginning of the month and we ended up going back to California for the funeral.

Sean was so organized. He was packing up his whole room and cataloging his belongings in a notebook. He took the notebook with him so that if he had to have something out of one of his boxes then he could tell me where to look. But he was up late the night before the MTC. We went to see the Stake President around 8 pm. We came home and he went down to finish packing. I didn't know till the next day that he was up until 2 packing and finishing his room.

We left early for Provo because we were going to go to lunch at the Brick Oven. He wasn't suppossed to show up at the MTC until noon. So we ate at the Brick Oven and had a very enjoyable lunch. There were lots of missionaries there and it was fun to see them all.

When it was time to head to the MTC....we decided to stop at the Provo temple and take pictures first. We tooks lots of photos. It was so windy that day, that in every picture my hair was flying! Finally it was time to take him to the MTC. That was really hard. We drove up to one of the numbered stations along the curb, got out of the car, unloaded the luggage and hugged Sean and said goodbye. There wasn't much time to say goodbye, that was why we went to lunch and to the temple first. After we hugged him, he grabbed his luggage and turned and walked away with another elder into the MTC. I cried most of the way home. It was hard to leave my Seaner there. I knew I would miss him so much. Over the course of the next few weeks we would have "Sean" moments. We would be getting ready to leave somewhere and someone would ask, "Where's Sean?" Then we would remember he was gone. We went into a restaurant and the hostess asked how many and I gave her the wrong number.....another Sean moment. We slowly adjusted to having him gone...but it was hard. He is now in Seattle and loving his mission.

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