Monday, February 25, 2008

They Got Us!

We were trying to slide by under the radar at church. We were enjoying going to church with no responsibilities because we knew that would change as soon as we were given callings. Our church records finally came from Thailand to our ward here two weeks ago. I was asked to be Primary President and Kary was asked to be Young Men's President! Double Whammy!! I don't know if they think we are superhuman or what! All we can do is give it our best try. I am excited to be able to work in the primary. I love the primary! That is my favorite place to be! This next sunday will be my first week in there...but I've already asked the outgoing president to come in and conduct. I think the kids need a transition from outgoing to incoming. I think it will be better for the kids to have the previous president let them know about the changes and introduce the new presidency.Our shipment from Thailand finally arrived here on February 21st...Gavin's birthday. So we are still trying to unpack and get things put away. It's tough because we are in a smaller house here than we were in Thailand, so our furniture and things don't fit like they did in the house there! Needless to say we have made and will make many trips to Deseret Industries to give away the excess.On top of everything else this week I am sick. Bronchitis is wiping me out! When it rains it pours.
Posted by Claudean at 8:26 PM 2 comments

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