Sunday, February 10, 2008

It's February and Still Snowing!!!

It has been the snowiest winter in Utah history since the 80's!! It has been snowing almost every other day for the last 8 weeks! Finally this weekend, Feb. 9th we have sun! But the weather people tell us that the snow is not over yet! Adam is absolutely loving the snow! He wants to go play in it every day. One day he came inside and declared that today was the funnest day in his entire life! That declaration came after just sledding on our little snow mound in the front yard! We've been over to the park a few times so that he can go down the "big hill". The first time we went to the park Adam came down the hill and ran almost head on into the swingset! What fun that is! He has since learned how to bail off the sled when it's needed.Sean and Gavin have also had fun at the park going down the "Biggest Hill". It's not huge, but it's funner than not sledding at all.

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