Friday, February 23, 2007

Our Foster Babies...

This little sweetie pie is our foster baby Tara. She is usually such a sweet calm baby, but today she has been quite fussy. I think she may have caught the flu that we have had around here this last week. Let me tell you about Tara. She was brought into our home when she was 1 month old. She has achondroplasia, dwarfism. She is very tiny. She is now almost 4 months old and she doesn't weigh more than 10 lbs. and she probably is only 17" long...if that. She is a very sweet baby though. She LOVES to be held. You could hold her all day and she'd be just fine with that. She sleeps better when you hold her, than when she's all alone in her crib. Her mom has given her up for adoption and I hope she can find a forever family through adoption. Everything else about her is normal...she'll just be short. My little boy Adam just adores babies and he has been so sweet with Tara. I do foster care through Holt Sahathai. They are a good organization. All of their babies that get adopted are cared for in Foster homes first, no orphanages. I got started doing foster care about 1 year ago. I heard about fostering one day when I was volunteering at the Pakkret Orphanage here by my home. After much thought and prayer I decided that I really wanted to help by doing foster care.

Our first baby was a little boy...Chayanut. We got him when he was 6 weeks old and had him for two months. We had to have him go to another foster home because we were going to the United States for home leave for 6 weeks and he could not leave Thailand. He was a doll! He was a crier though. In fact we nicknamed him, "Chayanut cry a lot!" It was very hard to hand him back over to Holt. On my way home from Holt I cried and cried.

Our second foster child was given to us after our home leave in August of 2006. She was a beautiful little girl named Pumiraht. We nicknamed her Lia. She was a real sweetheart. When she turned four months old her mom decided that she wanted her back. I actually got to meet the mom and it was good that she could take her back and raise her. It's always sad when the babies leave. I always seem to go through a bit of a depression...but I keep coming back for more. It is so rewarding to look into these sweet babies faces and know that I am helping to the best of my ability. They sure receive a lot of love in our house.
Posted by Claudean at 8:29 AM 0 comments

1 comment:

Johnny, Kindra, and Jasmine said...

Tara/Jasmine is the most beautiful baby we've ever seen. Thank you for introducing her to my parents. Thank you for loving and caring for her for her first year.