Tuesday, February 6, 2007

My Air Conditioning Finally works!!!!

We have lived in this house for a year and my air conditioning in my bedroom finally works right!! It was crazy! We would call our landlord and she would send out someone to fix the air conditioner, someone that she already has paid money to. Last week these same two guys came to fix the air and they were here for 7 hours! When they left they said the air worked. I went upstairs and did it work? NO! So the next day I called my landlord back and told her that the air was still not working. She sent the guys out again and they came back for another 3 hours. Again...they said it was working. But NO it was not! I've been so frustrated with this situation so I finally had my maid call a handyman from the Nichada office. He has done work for us before and he always can fix anything. So she asked him if he could come and see if he would be able to fix it for us. He came, checked it out and told us that he would be back on Friday (after work) to fix it for us. He came tonight and was here for 2 hours. Does it work? YES! I paid for it myself. It cost 2,500 Baht, which equals about 65 US Dollars. Boy was that worth it! Hot season is going to be upon us soon and I want to be prepared!

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