Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Adam Sings in General Conference

A primary choir from Pleasant View and North Ogden sang at General Conference in October. It was the afternoon session. This was a major event. At the end of June we, the primary presidents, were informed that we would be picking some of the children in our ward to sing in general conference. They wanted children that were 9 years old or older. We were eventually told that we had slots for 9 children. So to make it as fair as possible I started at the top of the list and worked my way down. Adam is 10 and so he was on my list.

They had choir practices starting at the end of August on Sunday evenings. The practice began at 5:30 and ended at 7:30. They were very intense practices. Sister Vonya Watkins was the choir director and she came every sunday night to practice. Sister Watkins has written several primary songs and so it was a privelege to have her come. When the children arrived they had to check in with their stake and get a color coded bracelet. When they left that night they had to check out with the stake people....they wanted to account for every child.

It was a very special experience that I'm glad Adam got to have. Being able to perform in the conference center with the prophet in attendance was something he'll never forget.

1 comment:

Kyle and Alyssa said...

that is pretty darn awesome!!!