Friday, February 13, 2009

Our Sweet Sadie Passes Away

What a sweet little dog Sadie was. Her illness started around the end of January. She wasn't eating very fact she quit eating and I was getting worried. I attributed this to the fact that I had just purchased new dog food and I thought she was protesting. I kept thinking that she would eventually eat if she got hungry enough. The last week of January while she wasn't eating she was spending a lot of time outside...just sitting there. She wouldn't come inside and it was really cold out there. I would coax her in and she would go right back out a couple of minutes later. On Sunday February 1st we went to church and came home. Of course she wasn't in the house and we made her come in. She proceeded to throw up and I told Kary that she looked like she was dying. She was looking like Scout did when he was close to dying. A couple of hours went by and after she threw up a few more times I decided to take her to the emergency vet. When the vet examined her she took blood samples and found bad news. From her blood she could tell that she had diabetes ketoacidosis. A pretty bad case of diabetes. She was also concerned because she was throwing up blood which meant that her esophogus was being affected. She believed that she had pancreatitis too. When an animal has that it can get to a state where the acids start eating away at the organs and whatever else it comes in contact with inside their body. She told me that we had a hard decision to make. If we decided to keep her alive then she would require probably 3 shots of insulin a day. We would have to do that the rest of her life...whether it be two weeks or 2 years. But she believed that with the pancreatitis Sadie didn't have long. Her breathing was not good and she looked like she didn't feel good. Kary and I decided that we needed to put her down because it was the humane thing to do at this point. Sure we could've kept her alive for awhile....but she could've lived in pain the rest of her life. I didn't want that for her.

Sadie was so lonely without Scout. After he died she kind of moped around the house and wasn't her usual self. She never knew any other life than with Scout. We got her when he was a year old. She loved sitting by him and grooming him. She is running and playing now with Scout. I truly believe that these two sweet dogs will greet me in heaven! I can't wait to play with them again. I know that there is a special place in heaven for our pets....I just know that a loving Heavenly Father would allow our pets to be reunited with tus again.

It has been lonely without our dogs. We will get another dog again. We just need to greive for these two first.