Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Adam's Baptism & Birthday Celebration

On January 3rd, 2009 Adam was baptized. His baptism was at 6 pm at our local Stake Center. He was baptized with another little boy from our ward Trey Worrell. He and Trey are friends and it was fun that they were baptized together. I spoke on the Holy ghost and Gavin said the opening prayer. Sean was a witness and Kary did the baptism and confirmation. So all of us were involved somehow. Trent wasn't here but he was baptizing a convert in The Netherlands on the same day. So we all were involved on his special day.

The Whole Burke family came.
Here is a picture of just the five of us...

We also celebrated his birthday that afternoon at Grandma and Grandpa Burke's house. I made a cake for him and we opened presents and everything. He got a pair of Heely's shoes/skates, a Nintendo DS game called Wall-E and a set of new scriptures with a case.