Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Back in Snowy Utah!

Here it is January 2008 and we are back in the U.S.A. Let me catch you up on a few things. First of all Thailand thinks Kary and I are too old to adopt and already have too many children! (What?) So much to our disappointment we won't be adopting from Thailand. The social worker we worked through kept making us believe that we would get approved to adopt and it would happen soon. Well, soon never came and we were finally told that if we wanted to adopt we would have to wait until we moved back to the U.S. and then send them an updated homestudy before they would continue the process. Just to do that and finish an adoption would cost us about $11,000. Yikes! We originally thought that we would come back here to Utah and foster/adopt. I'm not sure yet if that is the right thing to do or not. I would love to have a little girl...but I'm starting to believe Thailand may be right....I'm getting to old to take care of babies full time! Time will tell what happens next.Our foster baby Tara has adoptive parents that are trying to finish paperwork and get to Thailand to pick her up in a few months. Her adoptive parents live in Idaho so we will be able to occasionally see her. When we left we gave Tara to her adoptive Grandparents to be her foster parents. Her soon to be grandparents are serving an LDS mission in Thailand right now and with permission from the mission president they will be her foster parents until her a-parents will be able to come and get her. Everything has worked out so well for Tara. She is a special little spirit and doors have been opened for her to be adopted by Johnny and Kindra. Giving her up was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I had foster babies before...but they only were with our family for a couple of months at the most. Tara was with us for a year! She was part of our family and it was heartbreaking to hand her over. Both Tara and I went through a grieving process. I think I'm still going through it. Tara will be named Jasmine by her adoptive family and I need to get used to referring to her by that name. Work finally agreed that we could stay in Thailand until the boys finished up their semester of school in December. So December 24th we flew from Thailand to Salt Lake City. We arrived in the middle of a snowstorm and it hasn't stopped since we came. Today, January 9th, we got 21" of snow and more is predicted to come tomorrow! Welcome to Utah!
Posted by Claudean at 4:47 PM 0 comments