Tuesday, January 23, 2007

At least I'm starting...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Hello, Our family has lived in Thailand for two years now. People have often told me that I need to write down my experiences while living here. So, at least now I'm starting!Hopefully as time goes on I'll get better at writing these experiences down to share with everyone.I have four boys ages 19, 15, 12 (almost 13) and 6. We have always wanted a little girl and decided that while we live here in Thailand we should adopt our daughter! The Thai people have such a laid back attitude that this adoption is taking longer than I wanted it too. It took me a good 8 months to get all the paperwork done. In October 2006 we turned in our "portfolio" to the Adoption Center in downtown Bangkok. Of course turning in all the papers was an interesting process. Listed in their requirements of things to be done was a fingerprint/criminal check from the Thai Police. In September we went to the Thai Police Headquarters to get the fingerprinting done. We were told at that time that in order to get the fingerprints done we needed a paper from The Adoption Center stating that all of our paperwork was done and we were in need of a criminal check. Of course! It's not easy. It took us all morning to go to the Thai Police, Kary had to take off work for the morning, and all just to find out that we needed a paper from the Adoption Center First! Crazy. You would think that the adoption center would tell us that minor detail...but no, that's too easy! So the Adoption Center told us it would take 2 weeks to get the letter ready to be taken to the Thai Police. After two weeks were over I called the Adoption Center to see if we could pick up the letter yet. It wasn't finished yet! Another two weeks and we finally were able to get the referral letter and take it back to the Thai Police...Kary took yet another morning off work to finish up this step in the process. So it always takes longer than you think to get anything done! My next blog I'll tell you more of the adoption story. Gotta go for now...places to go..things to do!Claudean